The Death of the "Titan" next to the "Titanic": versions of Experts and mystical coincidences.


The Death of the "Titan" next to the "Titanic": versions of Experts and mystical coincidences

To the depth

Expedition "Titan" began on the morning of June 18. Five people were supposed to dive to a depth of 3800 meters. The passengers were going to help the captain of the bathyscaphe, as well as take notes for the scientific team about what was happening outside. The culmination of the adventure - the crew members had to see the Titanic with their own eyes and return to the surface. After 1 hour 45 minutes after the start of the dive, communication with the bathyscaphe disappeared.

Hope is gone

For four days, people around the world counted the hours - how much more oxygen would be enough for the crew of the submersible "Titan", if the team - there, at a depth of 3800 meters - is alive. By the evening of June 22, the owner of Titan, OceanGatestatedthat the passengers of the bathyscaphe are "unfortunately lost".

"We now believe that our CEO Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargolet are unfortunately missing," the company said in a statement.

The crew of the bathyscaphe at OceanGate was called "real explorers, who were distinguished by a special spirit of adventure and a deep passion for the exploration and protection of the oceans."

One of the passengers of the Titan, British billionaire Hamish Harding, before the fatal dive, managed to become a space tourist and was one of the first people to travel to the Challenger Abyss in the Pacific Ocean - the deepest known point on Earth.

catastrophic pressure

US Coast Guard almost immediately confirmed that the wreckage found in the area of ​​the wreck of the Titanic belongs to the missing bathyscaphe. There is no hope for salvation. People died, and, most likely, for a long time.

“The debris is consistent with a catastrophic loss of pressure. After this became clear, we immediately notified the families, ”said Rear Admiral John Mauger and expressed his condolences to the relatives of the crew

Earlier it was reported that at a distance of about 500 meters from the remains of the Titanic liner, fragments of a supposedly missing bathyscaphe were found. The parts were identified as "landing frame and back cover".

“I think overall this is probably grim news and suggests that the Titan could have been crushed by the enormous pressure of the seawater as she was on her way down,” Sir James Burnell-Nugent, former commander-in-chief, said at the time. Royal Navy, in an interview with SkyNews


The found wreckage of the bathyscaphe suggests that the crew most likely died instantly, told RIA Novosti senior lecturer at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Sergei Mukhametov.

“If parts are found, then it collapsed. They died instantly... I'm sure they died on Sunday," Mukhametov said.

The scientist noted that it would be possible to draw conclusions about the reasons for the destruction of the bathyscaphe only after it was removed from the surface.

An oceanologist, one of the creators of the Mir deep-sea manned submersibles, the hero of Russia Anatoly Sagalevich, agrees with Mukhametov's version. About it, he declared in an interview with TASS.

“The body collapsed. People died, of course,” said Sagalevich.

He suggested that the air inside the apparatus could lead to "a pneumatic explosion that tore everything inside, and nothing was left of people."
